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Strategic Priorities

Strategic Priorities: Any activities and programs supported by Dodge County Alliance for Healthy Soil & Healthy Water (The Alliance) will fall under one or more of the strategic priorities outlined below in order to fulfill the mission and vision of the Alliance.

The Alliance will support projects that gain further knowledge on soil health and innovative technology in the agriculture industry to improve water quality.

  • Strategy: Support initiatives that research phosphorus reduction systems, other tile management strategies, manure dewatering, and new technology as it becomes available
  • Strategy: Understand other benefits soil health such as groundwater improvements and carbon sequestration

The Alliance promotes adoption of practices that result in measurable nutrient reductions that improve water quality. Practices include, but are not limited to cover crops, reduced tillage, prairie strips, stormwater management, and diverse cropping systems

  • Strategy: Creating and utilizing language in land rental contracts that includes conservation practices can increase the adoption of practices that improve water quality.
  • Strategy: Build partnerships with public and private entities to provide funding for installation of conservation practices.
  • Strategy: Target agriculture financial institutions to support the utilization of these practices in agriculture operations.
  • Strategy: Target youth and young farmers to ensure the next generation prioritizes conservation and water quality.
  • Strategy: Reduce legacy sediment in waterways.

The Alliance will continue to build relationships between all stakeholders including agriculture producers, lake property owners, and others to continue to promote water quality improvement strategies.

  • Strategy: Showcase initiatives that lake districts and associations are implementing to improve water quality.
  • Strategy: Increase communication between Alliance partners to understand all projects that partners are working on to improve water quality.
  • Strategy: Create community partnerships, including legislators, to promote water quality focused initiatives. 
  • Strategy: Connect the publicwith the agriculture community by showcasing producers who are utilizing practices that improve water quality and supporting local agricultural products.
  • Strategy: Promote networking and social events to develop closer bonds and understanding between partners.
  • Strategy: Educate lake property owners about the water quality benefits from installing shoreline buffers, rain gardens, and following proper lawn fertilization guidelines.

The Alliance will share successes of all programs and activities to communicate the impact of the Alliance.

  • Strategy: Develop metrics to measure results of programs and activities
  • Strategy: Develop communication plan that promotes a positive message and the work of the Alliance
  • Strategy: Develop recognition programs that recognize individuals and groups for outstanding work and support of the Alliance’s activities.

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